Hospitality Knowledge , Skills and Attitude for Food and Beverage service staff

Hospitality Knowledge, skills and attitude are required to maintain high standard of service . Guest are in close contact with food and beverage personnel. Their way of dealing with guest directly reflects the image of property. Food and beverage service staff should be skilful , they should have good knowledge and right attitude. Only a person is right attitude is able to learn from his mistake.

1. Hospitality knowledge :- food and beverage personnel should have enough knowledge about food and beverage variety , food hygiene , safety, about workplace, they also should have knowledge about :-

  • Menu , price , special of the house
  • Co - ordinating Department with hotel
  • Norms and values of hotels
  • Service sequence
  • Idea of courses of meal
  • Handling glassware , cutleries
  • Equipment and tools used
  • Grooming and hygiene
  • Sanitation 
  • Fire safety and emergency procedure

2. Hospitality skill :- 

Hospitality skill may be technical or interpersonal. Skill is required to perform job efficiently. Knowledge along with skill makes the best combination. the staff should have every skill from dealing with guest to handling the Equipment.

Interpersonal skill :- it is social skill. Various social skill required for food and beverage personnel are :-

1. Able to recognize daily and repeated customer, their preferences , like and dislike

2. Effective communication skill

3. Skill and knowledge to deal with blind guest , disable and temper guest

Technical skill :- They are needed to perform specific task.  They are need to perform job Effectively.

1. Carrying the tray and salver
2. Service of drinks
3. Service of pre - plated food
4. Handle cutleries and crockery
5. Napkin folding
6. Cover layout
7. Carving meat at table
8. Clearing plates from the tables
9. Crumb the table

3. Hospitality Attitude :- Attitudes are positive or negative. Hospitality personnel should have positive attitude . They should be helpful ,cheerful and polite . They should be willing to learn from mistake. Some hospitality Attitude Required are :-

1. Willingness to serve
2. Capacity to take order from seniors
3. Honesty
4. Helpfulness
5. Able to work any works
6. Co - operations
7. Cheerful and positiveness.

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