Registration Methods | Systems of Registration

Guest Registration means gathering information of him and recording those information. It is mandatory for us to record information about guests. Registration is done using following three methods in hotel,

1. Loose leaf register :-

It is piece of paper used for each day . It is loose leaf sheet and punched and organised in ring. It helps to maintain confidentiality of guests than Bound book and also if it is lost only a day information will be lost but it can be misplaced and is not able to collect full information.

2. Bound book :- 

It is big book maintain by small hotel mostly. It is heavy and dates are arranged in sequence. The arriving guest writes information in one line and signs it. The guest Registration for a day are in order.

Advantage :- it is cheap, it is bulky so cannot be misplaced and very easy method of registration

Disadvantages :- confidentiality of guest is not maintain as a guest can see details and room number of all guest ,their room mates. Similarly , address and phone number are are only recorded. 

3. Guest Registration card :- 

It may have various copies so that one copy can be keep by hotel and other copy to the government. It uses separate card for each guest . It is the most widely use Registration card while registering the guest. It have all the information about guest so can be useful for future references. It is very private,so privacy can be maintained, helps to register several guest at same time in hotel but it is contain detail information about the guest :-

Name:.                                    Payment mode:
Occupancy:.                           Passport detail:
Name of organization:.        Date of birth:
Designation:.                           No. of person:
Residential address:.             Room no:
Nationality:.                             Room rate:
Date of arrival:
Expected date of departure:
Purpose of visit:
Arrived from:
Next destination:.   

                                 Guest signature

This is a sample of guest Registration card.

I will show you a easy one also:-


1. Express check in system :- 

It is used in fully automated hotels where arriving guest self register him through registering terminal located in lobby . The registering terminal of hotel are also located in airport, travel agency , travel arrangements place . It is very fast system of Registration.

2. Automatic system :- 

They use computer for Registration of guests. The information will be entered and guest simply signs the document generated after input of information

3. Semi- automatic :-

They do not use computer and type writer are used . Even some medium and small star hotel use this semi - automatic system of Registration. There will be some problems during registration of large number of guest but the system looks classic.

4. Manual systems :- 

This system is used by small hotel where all the documents are manual. It is slow and time consuming. Even guest folios are opened manually. It is not suitable for large hotels.

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