Egg contains all Nutrients except vitamin c. It is one of the most essential food used in cooking. the difference in eggy colour is due to the dietary difference in animal. There are around 7000 to 17000 egg pores in egg shell which allow oxygen in and carbon dioxide and moisture out . Also to help keeping bacteria and other particle out there is thin layer called cuticle. There is no nutritional difference between brown and white egg and free range and battery egg. .

Egg is made of outer shell , albumen and egg yolk in which 10% is outer shell , 60% egg white and 30 % yolk.  There is rope like strand called chalaza and airspace which gradually expands when egg loose its freshness. Eggs are rich in protein and vitamin.  The presence of blood in egg yolk does not indicate egg is is due to rupturing of white yolk inside yolk .

Quality :-

  • Yolk should be firm and round
  • Albumin should be clear but not watery
  • Shell should be unbroken,clean, strong
  • There should be high percentage of thick white than thin white.

Can you test for freshness of egg?

Yes, it is possible. As egg looses its freshness when kept in salt solution slowly it starts to float upwards. A fresh egg float at near the bottom. 

If egg is kept for a long time, thick white turns to thin white and water passes in yolk . Yolk flatten and water evaporates from egg and replaced by air . So fresh egg are heavier.


  • Never freeze eggs as egg shells crack at low temperature
  • Store egg with pointes end downwards so yolk rest on egg white instead of air cell.
  • Wash hand after handling egg
  • Follow FIFO rules
  • Egg should not be washed before storing
  • Keep eggs away from strong smelling food
  • Store between 3-5 degree Celsius in refrigerator.
  • Store away from raw food materials like meat to prevent possiblity of cross contamination.

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