1. Soft fruit
2. Hard fruits
3. Stone fruits
4. Citrus fruits
5. Tropical fruits
6. Kiwi fruits
- Strawberry, Blackberry , Raspberry are soft fruits
- Apple and pear are Hard fruits
- Cherry , Mango , peach and plum are stone fruit
- Lemon , lime , orange, tangerine , are citrus fruits
- Papaya and litchi are kiwi fruits
- Bananas , pineapple , Date , Melon are tropical fruits.
- Soft fruit spoil quickly so care must be taken. Similarly, fruits should not be allowed to over ripe and should be keep in refrigerator.
- Never store banana on refrigerator as it will turn black.
- Remove spoiled food immediately as it will spoil other.
- Don't like them too high and don't bruise hard fruits
If you have any doubts , please let me know