Kitchen stewarding helps in smooth functioning of food production and food and beverage service department . It is lead by Executive kitchen steward.
It is the department responsible for cleaning of all the crockery , cutlery , glassware, hollowware and all machinery equipments , monitoring the garbage disposal system , cleanliness of floor and wiping of crockery , cutlery along with polishing of electro plated Nicole silver ( E.P.N.S)
Different chemicals like phenyl , ammonia , chlorine , liquid detergent are used by kitchen stewarding.
The kitchen stewarding department oversees those areas of the hotel that are not covered by the housekeeping department, mainly back of house areas such as kitchen, cafeteria, corridors, receiving and store areas.
The job of the kitchen stewarding can be split into two segment:-
Utility Function is concerned with keeping all working areas not covered by housekeeping department clean , keeping all production and service equipment clean along with maintaining high standard of hygiene and sanitation to prevent Cross contamination and food poisoning. similarly, it also ensures proper garbage disposal by separation of garbage and storing it under ideal conditions. Moreover , it also plays important roles in controlling food and beverage cost controlling by usingcorrect amount of cleaning chemicals and preventing of breaking with periodic stock taking.
Maintenance of inventory function is associated with maintenance of inventory periodically by undertaking physical stock and primarily concerned with storage , maintenance of cleanliness and issue of various flatware and hollowware.
Organization chart of kitchen stewarding department :-
Executive kitchen steward leads kitchen stewarding department who plans , controlling , direct and supervise kitchen stewarding. Similarly, kitchen stewarding is a supervisory level. Utility workers are cleaning brigades, who clean kitchens and equipment and do other heavy work. Similarly Dishwasher operates dishwashing machine and polish silverware while pot washer clean large pots and cooking utensils. Also, there are kitchen porter who do heavy work and any required work.
The Dish Washing is carried out in two methods mainly :- Manual method and Machine wash method. The selection of dish washing machine depends upon available infrastructure ,space, water supply, waste water discharge system and operational budget of the firm.
Manual Dish Washing procedure
The Manual Washing Method is carried out in sinks and can be performed in two three, four, and five sink washing method. It varies according to sink.
The various sink washing method are given below -
1. Two sink Method :
The first sink contains a hot water and soap solution, and the second sink contains tepid warm water. The stacked and grouped dirties come in their groups to the first sink and here they are manually scrubbed with the hot water detergent solution after which they are passed to the second sink where they are rinsed in tepid water. After which they are sterilized by hot steam and then wiped/dried and sent to the plate room and silver room accordingly.
Note:- The detergent needs to be changed very frequently
2.Three sink method :-
Here, the first sink contains a hot water and soap solution, and the second sink contains tepid warm water and the third contains hot water. The stacked and grouped dirties come in their groups to the first sink and here they are manually scrubbed with the hot water detergent solution after which they are passed to the second sink where they are rinsed in tepid water. After which they are again dipped in hot water to remove any detergent sticking on the surface. Thereafter they are sterilized in hot steam and then wiped/dried.
This system is practiced in a very busy outlet.
3. Five sink Method :-
Here, the soiled articles from two sides are first dipped in hot water solution, where they are scrubbed and ensured that the adherents are removed. Then the articles are passed to the second sink where the detergent is washed from the article and finally they are put in hot water to ensure the article is absolutely clean. Thereafter, the articles are passed through steam and are sterilized.
This is actually a replica of the first method of two sink washing system. Here two types of equipment’s can be washed simultaneously. If the manpower is adequate then this system is effective and as the final rinse is given in a common saves the consumption of water and since the same hot water can be used for washing two articles it also saves energy.
Machine wash Method :-
The second method is washing by dish washing machine. The machine itself is very expensive and should be maintained and operated strictly as per the instructions given in the manual. The machine washing works on certain systems which are :-
1. Semi-Automatic :-
The soiled articles are put in wired baskets and then manually loaded in to the first chamber of the machine. Here they are washed by sprayers of hot water. Then they are manually transferred to the second chamber where they are washed with detergents. And then finally they are manually transferred to the third chamber where they are washed with hot water sprays.
2. Automatic :-
These machines have a built in conveyor system. The soiled articles are loaded in wired basket and are placed manually into the first chmber. The timer is set to determine how long the articles are to be washed. Then by the conveyor system the articles are transferred from one chamber to another after which finally they come out sterilized and dried. It is found in large establishment.
3.Flight Conveyor
The wired baskets are fixed to the conveyor into which the articles are placed. The timer is set and upon switching on the machine the conveyor rolls the basket in, into the chambers where the soiled articles are washed rinsed, sterilized and dried automatically. Thereafter the basket comes out from which the washed articles are off loaded.
Spray type :-
The dishes are placed in racks that slide into the machines, where they are subjected to a spray of hot detergent water at 48º to 60º Celsius from above and below. The racks then move on to the next section, where they are rinsed by fresh hot shower at 82º Celsius. At this temperature they are sterilized and on passing out into the air they dry off quickly.
Brush Types :-
The machine has built in revolving brushes that are used for scrubbing of each article in hot detergent water; the articles are then rinsed and sterilized in another compartment.
Agitator Types :-
Baskets of soiled dishes are immersed in deep tanks and the cleaning is performed by mechanical agitation of hot detergent water. The loaded baskets are then given a sterilizing rinse in another compartment.
Note :- Always scrap the dishes before entering on dish washing machine for effective cleaning and there should be proper provision of free flowing water. Also, knives and sharp tools should be kept on board for washing and never into sink otherwise it may cut hand . Always remember never perform dishwasher in rush.
This article provided me with a wealth of information about Pressure Washing Service in London.The article is both educational and helpful. Thank you for providing this information. Keep up the good work.
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