Attributes For Good Food and Beverage Service Personnel

No matter how luxurious the decoration or how aesthetic is the restaurant Mey be, grumpy ,poorly trained and unhelpful staff can destroy the potential customer satisfaction and service. Some attribute of food and beverage service personnel are :-

1. Personal hygiene :- food and beverage staff must take bath daily , their hair should be well combed , nails clean and clipped. Their mouth should be free of any odour . They should be well groomed and clean all times . If employee have skin problems doctor should be consulted immediately. Shoes should be polished and uniform clean and ironed

2. Physical fitness :- Food and beverage service Personnel work long hour on their feet and the work is continuous activity so it is very essential for them to be physically fit.

3. Adaptability :- food and beverage staff should be willing to try and experiment with new ideas.

4. Honesty :- food and beverage service personnel should be honest . They should not lie to guest and should serve correct food items.

5. Punctually :- Food and beverage service staff should have respect for time. if they are continuously late for duty , it shows lack of respect for their job and management.

6. Good memory :- Food and Beverage service personnel should have good memory . They should be able to recognize their regular guest and should know their like , preferences , dislikes.

7. Salesmanship :- They should have salesmanship skills. They should have capacity to sell food items and should know push selling and suggestive selling

8. Eye for detail :- They should have eye for details. They should know and understand expectation of guest and what he needs by looking at table

9. Ability to learn and work on team :- They should have ability to learn as learning is continuous process. They should also know the team work, Importance of teamwork and be willing to work as team

10. Good conduct :- they should be respectful towards guests and should have well mannered. They should be calm, pleasant 

11. Personality and knowledge.

12. Discipline 

13. Loyalty.

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