Hotel Uniforms catalogue

 Hotel Uniforms catalogue
Uniforms are usually provided by the establishment/ outlet for staff which have specified colour , design and made of specified materials. Housekeeping department is responsible for all linen in hotel and is also the custodian of all linen for hotel staffs. Uniform are changed daily at uniform exchange counter on a one - for - one basis. In some cases , uniforms are purchased and handed over to the staff. Most hotel usually handover two set of uniforms.
Uniforms are very essential because they :
  • Reflects the standard of property
  • It also prevents segregation among staffs
  • It helps to create respect towards each other profession
  • It helps to ensure staff are well groomed in property
  • It also helps to identify hotel staff and their position
  • It also encourage feeling of belonging to organization
  • They help to identify between hotel guest and employee
  • Uniforms also protect staff 
  • It enhance teamwork
  • It also provides comfort for guest

While designing uniform, the following things should be kept on mind :
  • Staff uniform should fit well and allow for comfort in movement. 
  • The cultural background , age and profile of hotel employee should be kept in mind while designing uniforms
  • The uniform also should match theme of the hotel and identify property
  • Uniform should be designed keeping in mind the Departments the staff work for. 
  • Uniform should enhance appearance and style .
  • Climatic conditions should also be noticed and monitored before designing uniforms
  • Uniform should give value for money
  • Free size uniform should be used more as it reduce cost of hotel on uniforms
Calculation of par stock quantity
If uniform are changed on every alternate day , the number of par required is three.  One is with staff , one is at laundry and one at linen room. Similarly, if the linen are changed everyday,  for cook five set are required.similarly, staff should be given at least 2-3 set of uniforms while kitchen staff requires 4 set at least. The life expectancy of linen normally is 1 year and cotton clothes needs to be changed daily. Polyester need to be changed in two days while silk cloth in 3 days. So, management should considered nature of job , frequency of laundering and uniform material before determining parstock
Issuing and Exchanging of uniforms
Issuing uniform to New staff :-
New staff are give clothes after issuing Authorization letter . Uniform issue slip is also provided . Uniform is issued afterward then, signature of employee is taken.
Issuing uniform to regular employees :-
Uniform are given on one for one basis i.e one fresh for one soiled ones. Once leaving the job, the staff should sign uniform Clearence from linen room supervisor.

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