Why does food taste differ among us and why does our taste changes with time?
The main reason behind is , due to eating culture, habit, society, tradition and trends. Our society has deep impact in our eating habits since from ancient time as we are social creature. Eating habits and culture determine our food taste. For example , dog is consumed in China, Korea while in india, Nepal No one preferred it and hate hearing the name dog meat. Its the eating habits our ancestors developed.
Civilization also plays important factors. The more developed civilization of ancestors , the more wide variety of eating habits. Let's illustrate this, there are many countries which don't have ancient civilization. Some countries people were eating wild animals meat only till industrial revolution and world war!! Some countries have very rich civilization and history. Agricultural products were very abundant to them so ,they don't have to rely much on meats. Some countries developed eating habits due to hunger hit economy / economic crisis and started eating anything. It is the reason behind why cuisine differs from country to country and region to regions. Our taste changes with time because people preferred change . They have food fatigue after consuming same food for longer time. They want to try new food as human are highly curious and intelligent. It also satisfy them. Food is a part of celebration, status in society. The more richer you are , more you want to experiment on food . For poor , food is just to satisfy hunger.Moreover, our palette changes just like the rest of our physical mass with time. Nothing is permanent in human life, As people grow older, taste buds die. The less taste buds you have, the less you taste so age also plays a vital factors. Some people lose the ability to enjoy eating spicy food; some people lose their entire sense of taste as well as varying degrees of lost ability to smell too. It impacts people differently.
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